as of epic5 -cvs commitid 1524 Multiserv support has improved substantially with amnesiac, however it still is not perfect yet. here are some ways/tricks you can do for multiserv. (tho i will not go into the full scope of documentation) 1) connect to your usual irc network of your choice. and if you use windowing its probably best to create as many windows you may use on each network you connect to. 2) /wns will create a new last window and connect you to the second irc network (auto_reconnect) works fine for multiserv so you shouldnt lose your windowing and the like if you reconnect within whatever time allocated you set for your multiserv. however if you pingout/server dies for like 10 mins, to reconnect on that server go to the window the second server you was on, /window server (you will have to rejoin all your channels on the second network in these cases) as the mjoin module is not multi-server capable as of this writing. and each new window you create while on the second server will be allocated for that server. make use of /wl (window list) to figure out how your windows are mapped. tricks: virtual hosting ipv4/ipv6(this can also work for non-multiserv as well) before connecting to another server and say you want to change your hostname do /hostname some ipv4/ipv6 before connecting to another server. as for nickname changes you can do /nick someothernick after you have connected to it unless you have specific settings for the other network in /svlist do /svhelp for more info. you should get something like this. *** 0) 6667 (peptide) [] IRC [ACTIVE] *** 1) 6667 [] IRC [RECONNECT] *** 2) 6667 [] IRC [RECONNECT] *** 3) 7000 (zak) [] IRC [ACTIVE] *** 4) 6667 (crapple) [] IRC [ACTIVE] in the cases of specifying your own nicks/ports/options in /svlist /wns 3 for example will create a new lastwin and connect you to on port 7000 using nick zak DCC_CHAT via ipv6, to make dcc_chat work in *most* cases while you're on ipv6 to an ipv4 user do /hostname host.of.your.primary.ipv4.ip you should get something like this. *** IPv4 vhost changed to [], IPv6 vhost unchanged from [] /chat nick foo, if user foo is on IPv4 *in cases of firewalls/nat/etc* if you have a port forwards/firewall set for dcc, /chat nick foo -p portnum. alternatively /set DCC_PORT_MAX highport DCC_PORT_MIN minport. /save, to save your settings permanently. As of this writing, i have been on 4 different networks with one client for about a month and have not seen many issues of reporting to date, but if someone finds bugs/problems in multiserv please let me (crapple/zak) or kreca @ efnet know, we can as always usually be found in #amnesiac@efnet. keep in mind not all functions/modules are multiserver capable and some may even cause for more problems than needs to be ie; query module comes to mind. //zak(crapple)